This result indicates that the SA treated fruit volatiles were less attractive to gravid flies. In each treatment, the SA treated fruit along with a control mango fruit were placed into an oviposition cage (0.62m length x 0.62m wide x 0.62m height) and exposed to fruit flies for 12h. Although its' name does not illicit much response here in Singapore, in countries such as the United States and Kenya, the mention of the Oriental fruit fly will send agricultural farmers, fruit vendors, immigration authorities fuming mad. The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel, 1912), is a member of the Tephritidae (fruit flies) family. B. dorsalis has been seen in more than 200 kinds of fruit and nut plants, but the species lay eggs in mango, papaya, and avocado fruits most often. The results showed inhibition of catalase activity and an increase of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase activities in the treated fruit (unpaired t test, t = 4.01, df = 4, P = 0.01 [CAT]; t = 5.76, df = 4, P = 0.004 [POD]; t = 11.30, df = 4, P = 0.0002 [PPO]). xœ½=ÛrÛF–ï®ò?ðe¶È”„ ohÀ³5µ¶O4'Û©Tíd`’¸‘I…"í8µ¸çÒ thŠA3™úrúô¹ŸÓÍ_Ÿ>±2ËÕ¬P"3jVåY©g¥ÍŒ˜íš§O~úb¶yúäWn%57ÓA³\í^¼{úäËWbVeU1{wùô‰˜åð_1Ædy½mVÀ›OŸä³+üóקOþ9Ÿ-þgöîoOŸ| ÝÿAÿ˳J©ü•þ–¥œí ¹(dV•YnC .¿ P©™õ+¢fÅ`I¢(3 cU&33 ¥Iã‡:2ã=˖RÀBf6WY5Xõó…Tó‹s)æõúfqnçõû›¦‡‹ `€…ê*æŸoðÏÍzÓL>uUf¹HL=ùBUžgÖ&f»\œ«ùn¡æÍ⼚7€îrþy!ô#€¡òL¥]履O™h>|¼»òŸÞÐ̟çºý#Šy¶¾[èùún“ j®¦MçUfÍiûïù±0Y! Prior to experiment, all glassware was washed with liquid detergent, rinsed with acetone and distilled water and baked in an oven overnight at 180°C. The bottom of the apparatus was lined with filter paper (Whatman No 1, 12 cm dia) and air was drawn through the four arms towards the center at 350 mL min-1. Peroxidase (PO) activity [49] was analyzed by using guaiacol as substrate. 4 0 obj Briefly, fresh (unexposed to fruit) gravid females (30 flies/ cage) were released into five oviposition cages and allowed to acclimatize for 30 min. Greany PD, McDonlad RE, Shaw PE, Schroeder WJ, Howard DF, Hatton TT, et al. It reproduces quicker than Ceratitis capitata and C. rosa 9 . The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Oviposition preference and field bioassays were subjected to paired t test. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are properly credited. Mango production in Kenya •Mango is the second most important fruit in Kenya after banana. The fruit were allowed to develop on the trees. The adult female B. carambolae lays her eggs under the skin of host fruits, which take a maximum of two days to hatch. Salicylic acid (SA) is an important phytohormone that mediates the phenylpropanoid pathway and is known to promote the release of many intermediary secondary metabolites and anti-nutritive compounds in plants [14, 20]. Totapuri, a susceptible variety to B. dorsalis) [41] fruit were collected from the experimental orchard of the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore. Chemical elicitors viz., salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), ethylene, abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellic acid (GA3) are well studied and known to induce both direct and indirect defenses against insect pests [6–8,10–12]. Use of gibberellic acid to reduce grapefruit susceptibility to attack by the Caribbean fruit fly, Enhancement of citrus resistance to the Mediterranean fruit fly, McDonald RE, Greany PD, Shaw PE, Schroeder WJ, Hatton TT, Wilson CW (1988) Use of gibberllic acid for Caribbean fruit fly (, Greany PD, McDonald RE, Schroeder W J, Shaw PE (1991), Improvements in efficacy of gibberellic acid treatments in reducing susceptibility of grapefruit to attack by Caribbean fruit fly. (eds. Among the elicitors listed above, SA is well studied in non-woody plants for its role in regulating plant defense and in triggering ‘systemic acquired resistance’ (SAR) [14–19]. To identify a suitable oviposition site, insects mainly depend on host released volatile blends [2], particularly, during oviposition site selection [55]. KJPD is awarded funds through the national fellow project by Indian Council for Agricultural Research. = non-significant]. Mango (Mangifera indica) is a woody plant of high economic importance. Mangoes treated with SA (1 mL of 2 mM solution per fruit, n = 6) were exposed to gravid B. dorsalis for oviposition at different post SA treatment time intervals viz., 1, 2, 3 days after the spray. Bactrocera spp. In summary, the results indicate that SA treatment reduced oviposition, larval development and adult emergence of B. dorsalis and suggest a role of SA in enhancing mango tolerance to B. dorsalis. Our results showed that the host fruit compounds viz., cis-ocimene and 3-carene were sharply declined after SA treatment indicating that the absence of these volatiles along with associated biochemical changes would have been responsible for altered ovipositional behaviour of B. dorsalis. The filter paper was then placed at the end of the treated side arm. Role of salicylic acid in tomato defense against cotton bollworm, The effect of plant defense elicitors on common bean (, Cornelius ML, Nergel L, Duan JJ, Messing RI, Cornelius ML (2000), Responses of female Oriental fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) to protein and host fruit odors in field cage and open field tests, Efficacy of various insecticides and trap heights in methyl eugenol baited traps against fruit flies (, Studies on seasonal activity and control of fruit flies (, Verghese A, Kamala Jayanthi PD (2001) Integrated pest management in fruits In: Reddy PP, Verghese A, Krishna Kumar NK (eds), Pest management in horticultural ecosystems, Verghese A, Tandon PL, Stonehouse JM (2004). The time spent by gravid female B. dorsalis was significantly more in control arm (P = 0.007) than treated arm (Fig 4a). C'est une mouche des climats tropicaux chauds et humides qui pond ses œufs dans les fruits charnus de plus de 400 espèces de plantes sauvages ou cultivées, tant d'arbres fruitiers, notamment les mangu… Salicylic Acid Induces Changes in Mango Fruit that Affect Oviposition Behavior and Development of the Oriental Fruit Fly. Error bars = Standard error of mean. A potential biological control agent against this pest is the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The management of fruit flies from an Indian perspective (mainly for B. dorsalis) can be classified into two categories, namely pre- and post-harvest management prac-tices. All chemicals used were of analytical grade (≥99% purity). (Vayssières et al. Error bars = Standard error of mean. The untreated control fruit received the highest number of punctures. Further, reductions in the larval growth/ adult emergence were also found in SA treated fruit that can be attributed to an increase in the total flavonoids/ phenols and antioxidative enzymes viz., peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase. One such strategy is the utilization of elicitors in priming and/or increasing or decreasing the production of certain volatile compounds upon insect attack [6]. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. Most of the flavonoids are growth inhibitors and cause abnormal development, growth inhibition and larval mortality [66]. Reviewers’ reports totaled 1154 words, excluding any confidential comments to the academic editor. Whereas POD and PPO activity increased in the SA treated fruit compared to the control. The Oriental fruit fly, B. dorsalis from a laboratory colony was reared on banana (cv. * Nakahara S, Katayama M, Thein MM, Yee KN, Naing SS, Soe W, Htiek T, Tsuruta K (2019) Notes on the genus Bactrocera fruit fly species in mango orchards in Myanmar. Tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are the most devastating insect pests having a foremost influence on global agricultural products, effecting yield losses, and dropping the value and marketability of horticultural crops. Economic Injury Level of the Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae), on Commercial Mango Farms in Manica Province, Mozambique African Entomology publishes original research and communications on entomology, with an emphasis on the advancement of entomology on … The total phenol and flavonoid levels were increased in the 2mM SA treated fruit when compared to the control fruit (unpaired t test, t = 7.38, df = 4, P = 0.0009 [phenols], t = 24.92, df = 4, P = 0.0001 [flavonoids]). The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), is a very destructive pest of fruit in areas where it occurs. Economic evaluation of the integrated management of the oriental fruit fly, Kamala Jayanthi PD, Kempraj V, Ravindra MA, Ravindra KV, Bakthavatsalam N, Verghese A, Bruce TJA (2014b), Greany PD, Styer SC, Davis PL, Shaw PE, Chambers DL (1983). All analyses were carried out using Graph Pad Prism software (Ver. Application of salicylic acid resulted in satisfactory mite control in Phaseolus vulgaris and enhanced yields [68]. (2014a), Specific volatile compounds from mango elicit oviposition in gravid, Electroantennographic bioassay as a screening tool for host plant volatiles, Schmelz EA, Carroll MJ, LeClere S, Phipps SM, Meredith J, Chourey PS, et al. [†¬€÷ÿu~”ðZÇr¨d9dE&ô. Division of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake PO, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Recently, emphasis is placed on the development of new preventative approaches that may minimize pesticide usage to achieve sustainable fruit fly management. Isolation and identification of host cues from mango, Skelton AC, Cameron MM, Pickett JA, Birkett MA (2010). Thus, exogenous applications of elicitors may impact insect-plant interaction through modified host plant volatile emissions. (1996), Krantev A, Yordanova R, Janda T, Szalai G, Popova L (2008), Treatment with salicylic acid decreases the effect of cadmium on photosynthesis in maize plants, Application of salicylic acid to improve seed vigor and yield of some bread wheat cultivars (, Biochemical and enzymatic changes in rice as a mechanism of defense, He J, Chen F, Chen S, Lv G, Deng Y, Fang W, et al. A secondary objective was to estimate final seed surface temperatures required for efficacy for B. dorsalis in mango. Sample of volatiles (1μl) was injected into the column inlet for gas chromatographic analysis and remained in the inlet for 10 min to be desorbed. (a) The number of pupae formed; (b) The number of adults emerged. Helium was used as carrier gas with the flow rate of 1 ml-min. The experiments were conducted at ambient room temperature (27 ± 1°C). Bactrocera dorsalis was chosen for this research because vapor heat treatments for this insect are being evaluated by the IPPC and the question of possible variation in tolerance to heat among different populations was raised by countries reviewing the … A simple and cost-effective mass rearing technique for the tephritid fruit fly. (a) Time spent in SA treated, untreated and control arms (N = 10) (b) Number of Entries in SA treated, untreated and control arms (N = 10). The SA treated and untreated mango fruit (n = 3; 1g in 20 mL) were extracted with methanol (80%). Perspex components were washed with Teepol solution, rinsed with 80% ethanol solution and distilled water, and left to air-dry. For small-scale and local market crops, pre-harvestmanagementissufficient,whileforthe export market a combination of pre- and post-harvest … Air, purified by passage through an activated charcoal filter, was pumped into the vessel through the inlet port (400 mL/min). [46]. already built in. Nevertheless, utilization of direct and indirect host-plant defense mechanisms and exploiting these plant signals for sustainable IPM is an area that yet to be explored in several perennial fruit crops. An Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (formerly known as Bactrocera papayae), is considered the most virulent and serious fruit fly species because it can attack about 209 plant species from 51 different families (Chua, 1991; Drew and Romig, 1997; White and Elson-Harris, 1992). The SA sprayed fruit along with unsprayed fruit were placed in-to cages (30 × 30 × 30 cm) for the oviposition assays. Recently, we identified a volatile compound γ-octalactone that elicits an innate oviposition response in B. dorsalis. Bactrocera dorsalis is a member of the Oriental fruit fly (B. dorsalis) species complex. (1987). B. invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White) (Diptera: Tephritidae) on mangoes in Senegal leads to production losses. This species complex forms a group within the subgenus Bactrocera and the name may therefore be cited as Bactrocera ( Bactrocera ) dorsalis . 5.0.1) for Mac OS X. Post hoc analyses employing Bonferroni correction revealed that the numbers of oviposition punctures and eggs per puncture were significantly less in SA treated fruit irrespective of post SA treatment time intervals [1 day (oviposition punctures: t = 3.78, P<0.01; eggs per puncture: t = 4.67, P <0.001), 2 days (oviposition punctures: t = 3.67, P <0.01; eggs per puncture: t = 2.86, P <0.05), 3 days (oviposition punctures: t = 4.50, P <0.01; eggs per puncture: t = 4.20, P <0.01)] (Fig 2a and 2b). Similarly, reduced oviposition by H. armigera was noticed in groundnut cultivars after jasmonic acid/ salicylic acid application [17]. The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) is an important quarantine pest around the globe. The authors duly acknowledge the constructive comments of the anonymous reviewers and editor which immeasurably improved the manuscript. (2006), Fragments of ATP synthase mediate plant perception of insect attack, Dudareva N, Negre F, Nagegowda DA, Orlova I (2006), Plant volatiles: recent advances and future perspectives, Arimura GI, Matsui K, Takabayashi J (2009), Chemical and molecular ecology of herbivore-induced plant volatiles: proximate factors and their ultimate functions, Silva R, Gimme H W, Lewis J W, Michael JF (2014), Insects feeding on plants: rapid signals and responses preceding the induction of phytochemical release, Falk KL, Kästner J, Bodenhausen N, Schramm K, Paetz C, Vassao DG, et al. The time spent and number of entries, significantly differed between untreated to treated fruit. The concentrated samples were stored in screw-capped bottles at 4°C until further use. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA indicated that the main effect of SA treatment was significant in terms of decreased oviposition punctures (F (2,20) = 47.60; P = <0.0001) and clutch size (F (2,20) = 45.81; P < 0.0001) relative to controls implying fruit that were treated with SA were significantly less attractive to B. dorsalis. The apparatus was rotated 90° every 2 min to eliminate any directional bias in the bioassay cage. It is thought to be an introduced species in Yunnan Province, China, where it causes severe damage. 2 0 obj Biochemical resistance of citrus to fruit flies. GC-MS analysis of the headspace volatiles from SA treated and untreated fruit showed noticeable changes in their chemical compositions. The components were separated on VF-5 capillary column, (Varian, USA) (30 m × 0.25 mm I.D. Cis-ocimene and 3-carene (attractants to B. dorsalis) were reduced in the headspace volatiles of treated fruit. The activity of POD in the 2 mM SA-treated fruit was relatively higher than that in control fruit (t = 5.76, df = 4, P = 0.04) (Fig 8b). Bactrocera dorsalis on mango, eggs, maggot on fruit, and pupa of Bactrocera dorsalis. %PDF-1.5 One unit of catalase converts 1μmol of H2O2 per minute. The result showed that only 22.5% larvae reached the pupal stage in SA treated fruit as against 84.25% in the control. Catalase activity was expressed in units per gram fresh weight (FW). Each fly was given 2 min to acclimatize in the olfactometer, after which the experiment was run for 15 min for each replicate. Volatiles were collected on Porapak Q (50 mg, 60/80 mesh; Supelco, Sigma Aldrich, St Louis, USA) placed in a glass tube (5 mm dia) inserted into the collection ports on the top of the vessels. Most damage on Guava and Mango However B. dorsalis is now the dominant fruit fly which infests fruit in Africa. Earlier studies report that salicylic acid treatment increased coumarins, phenolic acids, flavonoids and lignin concentration in plants [61–63]. 2 Enhanced levels of these plant defense compounds would have affected larval growth and development resulting in poor pupation and adult emergence of B. dorsalis. Totapuri) on oviposition and larval development of B. dorsalis. In this study, we investigated the effect of salicylic acid (SA) treatment of mango fruit (cv. Keywords Mango, Mangifera spp, Mangifera casturi, Mangifera lalijiwa, Bactrocera dorsalis, mango relative. The reaction mixture consisting of 0.5 mL of crude extract, 2 mL of guaiacol (100 mM sodium phosphate, pH 6.4 and 4 mM guaiacol) was incubated for 5 min at 30°C. One unit of PPO was defined as the change in absorbance by 0.1 units per minute under conditions of the assay. Our study clearly indicates that the exogenous application of SA on to mango fruit resulted in reduced oviposition by Oriental fruit fly, B. dorsalis. Headspace volatiles collected from SA treated fruit were less attractive to gravid females compared to volatiles from untreated fruit. •Mango is produced in as over 50,550 Ha where a total of 705,195 Metric tons, valued at Kshs11.71 billion was produced in 2017. (2011), Natural variation in decision-making behavior in, Wei J, Joop JAL, Rieta G, Tila RM, Na L, Kang L, et al. Total phenols present in methanol extracts were estimated by Folin-Ciocalteu method [45]. Damage caused by the fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (syn. Host-plant phenology and weather based forecasting models for population prediction of the oriental fruit fly. Recently, emphasis is placed on the development of new preventative approaches that may minimize pesticide usage to achieve sustainable fruit fly management. Induction of defense related enzymes (PAL, PPO, catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase etc) and subsequent induced resistance to Alternaria brassicae and Ralstonia solanacearum was noticed following chemical elicitors application viz., SA, benzothiadozole in Brassica juncea and Solanum melongena respectively [72]. Our sincere appreciation and thanks to Dr Charles Zaiontz for his valuable statistical support and guidance. In Ethiopia, several fruit types including mango, guava, banana, citrus, apple, pineapple, avocado, and papaya are growing for export and domestic markets. [42]. Among eight mango fruit fly species found in Benin, four can be considered as species of economic significance: Ceratitis cosyra, C. quinaria, C. silvestrii and Bactrocera invadens. For this bioassay, SA treated and untreated fruit were placed in plastic containers with sterilized sand. A strategy that has received negligible attention is the induction of ‘natural plant defenses’ by phytohormones. *Significantly different from SA treated and control arms; n.s. and 0.25 μm film thicknesses). The reduction in oviposition as evidenced by decreased punctures and eggs reached peak by 3rd day post SA treatment. stream The fruit peel was slightly cut open to facilitate introduction of larvae. Methanol extracts were mixed with FCR reagent and the subsequent intensity of color development with 20% sodium carbonate reagent was measured at a wavelength of 700 nm using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Beckman DU64, Switzerland). Nitrogen (1 mL/min) was used as the carrier gas. Though many studies have explored the role of SA in inducing host plant defenses against pathogens, limited attempts have been made to study its role against insects. 353–362 in Robinson A.S. and Hooper G. Catalase activity [48] was determined with minute modifications by adding 0.1 mL of crude enzyme to 2.9 mL of 40mM H2O2 (dissolved with 50mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0) as a substrate. Similarly, the salicylic acid treatment resulted in increased endogenous H2O2 level that involved in resistance against H. armigera [73]. However, the identity and nature of oviposition stimulants for B. dorsalis is not well known. Identification of neryl formate as an airborne aggregation pheromone for the American house dust mite, Gas chromatographic characterization of organic substances in the retention index system, A colorimetry of total phenolics with phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acid reagents, Chun OK, Kim DO, Moon HY, Kang HG, Lee CY (2003), Contribution of individual polyphenolics to total antioxidant capacity of plums, Lowry H, Rosebrough NJ, Farr AL, Randall RJ (1951), Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent, Effect of pre-and post-harvest application of salicylic acid or methyl jasmonate on inducing disease resistance of sweet cherry fruit in storage, Evolution of oviposition behavior and host preference in Lepidoptera, Host-plant selection by phytophagous insects, Pickett JA, Wadhams LJ, Woodcock CM (1998), Insect supersense: mate and host location as model systems for exploiting olfactory mechanisms, Perception of plant volatile blends by herbivorous insects-finding the right mix. 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